MedsChecks and Diabetes MedsChecks

Have you been prescribed five or more medications? Have you recently had a significant medical event such as hospitalisation or have been recently diagnosed with a new medical condition such as diabetes? Would you like to learn more about your medications and make the best out of them? If you answer ‘yes’ to any of the above, our Caring Pharmacists are here to assist!

What can our Caring Pharmacists offer?

MedsCheck is an in-pharmacy medication review designed to improve your understanding of your medications and optimise your therapy. MedsCheck is FREE and you will get the undivided attention of one of our Caring Pharmacists in a one-on-one consultation session.

In-pharmacy MedsCheck aims to:

  • Review your medicines and help you learn more about your medicines
  • Provide you with information and education about your medicines
  • Identify any problems related to your medicines
  • Improve the effective use of your medicines
  • Provide you with tips to improve self-management of your medicines including self-care advice to manage your conditions and how to get the most out of your therapy
  • Provide you with an Action Plan and if required, work with your GP to optimise your therapy

If you have type 2 diabetes, our in-pharmacy Diabetes MedsCheck aims to offer all of the above, with a focus on type 2 diabetes, its management and monitoring. Our Diabetes MedsCheck aims to:

  • Review your medicines with a focus on type 2 diabetes management.
  • Provide you with information in relation to all your medicines and devices, including your blood glucose monitors.
  • Provide you with education in relation to self-management of type 2 diabetes, which will improve your understanding of diabetes, your prescribed therapy and their roles, and how to best monitor and look after yourself and reduce your risk of developing complications associated with diabetes.

Contact one of our pharmacies today.

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